As our world is in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, commonly referred to as “Coronavirus,” it is imperative that we provide helpful information for all populations. Most of the work we do is around opioids, so want to share two resources about Safer Drug Use During the COVID-19 Outbreak and Syringe Services and Harm Reduction Provider Operations During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Please read the handouts for in depth information. Below we have listed some key points from each resource.
Key takeaways in both articles:
- Don’t panic. Please be prepared and know what to do, but avoid the urge to panic.
- There are several actions that you can take to reduce your risk of transmission. See the section titled: “How can I prevention COVID-19.”
- If you feel sick, stay home and contact a medical provider. See the section titled: “If I’m feeling sick, what should I do.”
Harm Reduction Tips:
- Minimize the need to share your supplies and contact with others
- Prepare your drugs yourself
- Keep your space clean
- Wash your hands
- Stock up on supplies, drugs and medications
Tips for Community-based Syringe Services and Harm Reduction Providers:
- Prioritize participant and staff safety
- Sanitize surfaces
- Offer extra supplies
- Review/create communication plan
- Stay informed and connected
- Plan for employee absence
- Stand against racism
The information shared should serve as a beginning resource as COVID-19 is an evolving illness. Please visit for the most up-to-date information.